KoreLogic Blog
MASTIFF Online Updated to Add pyOLEScanner 2015-06-19 16:08

The MASTIFF Online site was updated on 2015-06-05 which included the following:
  • Enabled pyOLEScanner version 1.2 tool as part of processing samples. pyOLEScanner is a python based script written by Giuseppe 'Evilcry' Bonfa and inspired from OfficeMalScanner. It scans office documents in order to assess if they could be malicious. Within MASTIFF Online the plugin is only executed for office document file types (a.k.a., "Office"), and the results of the plugin can be seen by clicking on the "office-analysis" record in the detail pane for those file types.
  • Added an "x" icon next to the GUI search box which clears the search box text and refreshes the list when clicked.
We will re-process samples when necessary (e.g., after a MASTIFF upgrade or plugin addition) and as time allows. In this case the existing samples have been re-processed so that they now have the new plugin results.

Posted by Andy at: 16:08 permalink