Giles at Black Hat and in the ISSA Journal | 2015-06-23 18:20 |
The Giles production rule system compiler (which we described here) has gotten some good press lately!
An article describing Giles and its use has been published in the June 2015 issue of The ISSA Journal, which can be seen by subscribers here. The ISSA Journal is the official journal of the Information Systems Security Association, and we're very proud to have an opportunity to discuss Giles on its pages. The article describes what Giles is, how to use it, and how to use the engines it creates. It also talks a little bit about how it works under the hood.
Also of note, I will be presenting a talk about Giles at this year's Black Hat USA in Las Vegas on August 1-6th. This talk will describe the reasons behind the creation of Giles, how it works, and how it can help you build efficient, simple event correlation engines and expert systems. Let us know if you're going to be at Black Hat this summer; we hope to see you there!
And remember, Giles is open source, so be sure to check it out (both in the look-at-it sense and in the grab-a-copy-of-its-code sense) at
Posted by Rob at: 18:20 permalink |