2024: What KoreLogic Has Been Up To | 2025-01-13 16:41 |
It's been a busy year! This year we:
- Hosted the 14th annual Crack Me If You Can (CMIYC) contest at DEF CON as well as sponsored and staffed the Password Village.
- Led the planning and delivery of CyberConVA 2024.
- Delivered a wide variety of penetration tests, security assessments, third-party risk reviews (2000 over the past 4 years), and password recovery service engagements. Our penetration tests have ranged from firmware to APIs, network and web application, and from product security to critical infrastructure.
- Deployed a KoreLogic-hosted LLM to support AI vulnerability research, secure document generation, and to facilitate studies into preventing AI data leakage.
- Continued our LLM Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Research - multiple vulnerabilities have been identified and the advisories have been submitted to vendors.
- Developed best practices for data filtering and data leakage detection when using a cloud-based LLM API.
- Refined our GenAI system assessment and testing methods.
- Obtained our CVE Numbering Authority (CNA) status to facilitate our growing vulnerability research and disclosure efforts: https://www.cve.org/Media/News/item/news/2024/06/25/KoreLogic-Added-as-CNA
- Published 12 vulnerability advisories using our responsible disclosure process, See https://korelogic.com/advisories.html
- Earned the ISO 27001:2022 certification that demonstrates our commitment and ability to protect our clients' information.
- Increased our staff of talented and dedicated security consultants.
Posted by Bob Austin at: 16:41 permalink |